Live duo – Concert Halls – Festivals
Duo Option for Concert Hall or Festival – Electro-Acoustic Duo Concert
Live performance ranging from 40 minutes to 1 hour depending on the program.
Vocals, violin, harmonium, loop – Lucie Dehli.
Guitar, keyboards, laptop – Lee Lebens.
Link to live session
Price: 600 euros (excluding travel expenses) –
850 euros with sound engineer (excluding travel expenses).
Lucie Dehli & Guests
Homam Intima

Opening with ‘Right Or Wrong,’ a delicate track that highlights Lucie Dehli’s warm and vulnerable voice, wrapped in ethereal and subtly harmonized melodies. THE FURTHER
One standout track, ‘As Real As Water,’ epitomizes this sonic canvas with its intricate rhythms, dreamy chords, and Lucie Dehli’s pure, sincere, celestial voice. THE CULT GATEWAY
Entrer dans cet album revient à s’adonner à un rituel d’introspection, une exploration de sentiments inattendus, guidée par la voix exceptionnelle, profonde et théâtrale de la chanteuse. INDIE CHRONIQUE
The vocals are emotive and really move you to sing, with Lucie’s angelic high registers making the bridge from verse to verse. SINUSOIDAL MUSIC
Lucie Dehli is a fearless scientist in music… The fluidic nature has to be tangible enough through the melody, and that is what she does. INDIE MUSIC FLIX
…cette musique vaporeuse, d’une légèreté confinant au spectral – est-ce du folk lunaire, de l’électro primale ? Une musique composée à même l’hiver, où l’on entend distinctement les chûtes de flocons sur la fenêtre, le grésil qui carillonne, le givre qui tintinnabule… cette musique ne s’adresse qu’aux frissons, comblés de tant de soins, de tendresse, de patience. LES INROCKS
A brief flurry of noise that sounds like the cello being run through a series of distortion pedals and then thumped, sees Lucie Dehli’s operatic vocals break through the increasingly rhythmic pounding music. Dehli’s voice at times sounds angelic and others approaches Diamanda Galas territory, which suits its musical accompaniment. The final couple of minutes sees a musical maelstrom that when it finishes it requires the listener to have time to decompress.
A spectacular wordless vocalese that hangs, ghostly, just out of sight amongst the shadows, before joining Quail for a thunderous tribal finale. ECHOES & DUST
Lucie Dehli: A Reconnection with the Living
For Lucie Dehli, music is a quest for nature, a celebration of the living. With her album “HOMAM,” she elevates singing and musicality to the mystical level and offers us a quasi-magical exploration. But who is Lucie Dehli?
Lucie Dehli is a multi-talented artist. She is a composer, author, performer, producer, and painter. Born in Auvergne, she currently lives in Belgium, after having spent time in Paris and London. The latter city plays a central role in her musical project. She entered the conservatory of Clermont-Ferrand at the age of six and continued her classical violin studies in Paris.
In 1989, she created the musical duo Vicious Circle with Stephan Ink. Signed by the English label Some Bizzare Records, the group is considered one of the pioneers of French industrial music. It was in London, with the signing of their album “Barbed Wire Slides,” that Lucie Dehli’s career took off significantly. In 1991, with the album “Bike Ride,” the singer’s voice was propelled onto the international scene. She notably entered the top 10 sales of independent artist records at FNAC.
Over the years, Lucie Dehli has continued to create and produce music, setting up several projects, spanning jazz, experimental, electro, pop, and world influences, either solo, in groups, or in international collaborations. Today, we discover her in a solo project, which she defines as “energetic music.” Sensitive to the elements, the vibrations of the world and the universe, she explores the links between nature and energies, inviting us to transcend them in an enchanting atmosphere.
“HOMAM”: An Energetic Quest
“HOMAM” is the result of an artistic quest rooted in a lifetime of research and inspiration dedicated to understanding the concept of universal energies. As a Master Sophrologist, Lucie Dehli explains that this energetic aspect of music and art, in general, has always been an integral part of her journey. “HOMAM” is thus a deep exploration of purification rituals from various cultural traditions. These rituals serve as metaphors for processes of personal transformation and spiritual connection. The album invites us to reflect on the meaning of purification and the search for inner truth.
Close to progressive electro-pop, Lucie Dehli’s project should be thought of as a journey into a mystical, magical, almost shamanic world. Some tracks, like “As Real as Water,” are true anthems to the beauty of nature. Available since April on all platforms, “HOMAM” is an artistic experience that reminds us that music can also reconnect us to our world, our senses, and the living.

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