…cette musique vaporeuse, d’une légèreté confinant au spectral – est-ce du folk lunaire, de l’électro primale ? Une musique composée à même l’hiver, où l’on entend distinctement les chûtes de flocons sur la fenêtre, le grésil qui carillonne, le givre qui tintinnabule… cette musique ne s’adresse qu’aux frissons, comblés de tant de soins, de tendresse, de patience. 
Les Inrocks

A brief flurry of noise that sounds like the cello being run through a series of distortion pedals and then thumped, sees Lucie Dehli’s operatic vocals break through the increasingly rhythmic pounding music. Dehli’s voice at times sounds angelic and others approaches Diamanda Galas territory, which suits its musical accompaniment. The final couple of minutes sees a musical maelstrom that when it finishes it requires the listener to have time to decompress.

A spectacular wordless vocalese that hangs, ghostly, just out of sight amongst the shadows, before joining Quail for a thunderous tribal finale. Echoes & Dust